Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Chapter 7 Be Efficient and Integrate Basic Skills

I'm not certain if it is just me, but Routman confused me through out this chapter. I felt she contradicted herself numerous times.

We, as teachers, strive to create authentic and real world writing situations for our students, but I'm unsure how to teach my students to write for a particular audience and format without teaching them the skills that go with it before they write and not after as Routman suggests. Routman also suggests not to list the requirements we want students to include in their writing, but then she uses that very technique.
Her opinion that most teachers don't inform students why they are learning a skill and that teachers simply have their students complete worksheets and then magically want them to apply the skill from the worksheet into their writing is a bit offensive to me.

I do agree that there are skills better taught within the context of a piece of writing and I liked her list of mini lessons.

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